
Sleeping in Weekend: After the hustle and bustle of the day, people get a great sleep. But fate is such that one has to get up early in the morning. Everyone is in some kind of hurry. The elders are in a hurry to go to the office and the children are in a hurry to go to school-college. Due to all these reasons, one has to get up early in the morning every day. In this process, no one gets proper sleep. Many studies have said that if you do not sleep for 7 to 9 hours at night, then you have to suffer many types of losses. It has the most adverse effect on the heart. There is always a risk of heart attack. In such a situation, a new study has said that if you get enough sleep on the weekend i.e. on a holiday, then the balance of lack of sleep is completed.

sleep deprivation disease
The news has said that according to the Great Indian Sleep Scorecard, 88 percent of the country's population does not sleep properly at night. Due to this lack of sleep, the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease increases. When we lack sleep, the stress hormone will be released more. This increases inflammation in the body, due to which there is inflammation in the heart as well. This increases the risk of heart attack. According to the US National Library of Medicine, inflammation increases in the body due to insufficient sleep. But there are no visible symptoms of this. Due to this, the risk of heart attack remains increased.

How weekend sleep makes up for the entire loss
According to a report published in the Sleep Health Journal, if you sleep more on weekends, then the damage done to the body due to lack of sleep can be compensated. In this study, the sleep pattern of those people was analyzed who slept less than 6 hours on working days. But slept two hours more on weekends. The study found that the risk of cardiovascular diseases was very low in people who did this. Although the study says that lack of sleep is no doubt harmful, but if you make up for this sleep deficiency by sleeping more on weekends, then it will reduce many types of risks.
