
15 August 1947 was the date when India got freedom from British rule. Any independent nation has its own flag, which is adopted by the entire nation. This flag indicates that it is an independent country. The history of the Indian national flag has also been very interesting, in the year of independence i.e. 1947, on 22 July, a big decision was taken in the meeting of the Indian Constituent Assembly, in which the Indian national flag was adopted in its current form.

Mention of the national flag being placed on motor cars

Do you know which dignitaries of the country have the privilege of putting the Indian national flag i.e. tricolor on their motor cars? This has been mentioned in the Indian Flag Code 2002. Which was issued by the Home Ministry of the Government of India, Delhi. This has been mentioned on the 20th and 21st pages of this code. Section 9 of the Indian Flag Code 2002 states that only the following dignitaries have the privilege of putting the national flag on motor cars.

(1) President

(2) The Vice-President

(3) The Governor and Lieutenant Governor

(4) Heads of Indian Embassies and Offices abroad

(5) The Prime Minister and other Cabinet Ministers

Union Minister of State and Deputy Minister;

Chief Ministers and other Cabinet Ministers of States or Union Territories; Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers of States or Union Territories;

(6) Speaker of the House of the People

Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

Chairmen of State Legislative Councils

Speakers of the Legislative Assemblies of States and Union Territories

Deputy Chairmen of State Legislative Councils

Deputy Speakers of Legislative Assemblies of States and Union Territories

(7) The most prominent judge of India; the Judge of the Supreme Court

Chief Justices of High Courts

Judges of the High Courts.

(Source- Indian Flag Code 2002)

When and in which direction should the flag be hoisted?

The dignitaries mentioned in this section of the Indian Flag Code 2002 may, whenever they consider it necessary or appropriate, fly the national flag on their cars. When a foreign dignitary travels in a car provided by the government, the national flag shall be flown on the right side of the car and the flag of the country concerned shall be flown on the left side of the car.

What does the Indian national flag 'tricolor' look like

The Indian national flag has three horizontal stripes of three colors, saffron at the top, white in the middle, and dark green at the bottom, all in equal proportion. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3. In the middle of the white strip is a dark blue circle. This circle is the same as on the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. Its diameter is approximately equal to the width of the white strip and it has 24 spokes.

The tricolor was adopted as the national flag of India between 15 August 1947 and 26 January 1950. The national flag in India is identified as the 'tricolor'.