
Stress has become an important part of everyone's life today, but do you know that women face more stress than men? According to a report in a survey by the American Psychological Association, a woman plays many roles in her life simultaneously, which becomes the reason for stress in her life. This is the reason why women usually have to face more stress than men. Today we talked about this serious issue related to women with Dr. Samant Darshi - Consultant Psychiatrist Yatharth Hospitals . He asked what is the reason behind women being under more stress.

Why do women feel more stressed? - Why do women feel more stressed?

Answering this question, Dr. Samant Darshi says that there is not just one reason behind this but there are 3 main reasons for this. Women often experience more stress than men due to a combination of biological, social, and psychological factors. Let us know these reasons in detail.

Biological Reasons for Stress in Women

Dr. Samant Darshi explains that a major reason for women being more stressed than men is biological. Women naturally face more hormonal fluctuations than men. Due to this they often remain stressed. Especially related to menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, mood swings can affect the stress level of women. During these special times, women need a little more care. If they are not taken care of, their stress level starts increasing. However, it becomes almost impossible for them to take the kind of care they take when someone in the house is in trouble.

Social Reasons for Stress in Women

According to Dr. Samant Darshi, socially, women are often expected to play many roles, including caregiver, professional, and homemaker. Women often fall prey to stress while following this multitasking process. Because women try to fulfill all these roles simultaneously. Women have to do many tasks simultaneously, whether they are being done willingly or out of compulsion. This is the reason why physical and mental fatigue increases significantly in this process. In addition, social pressure and gender-based expectations can contribute to increased stress. Women are often held to high standards regarding appearance, behavior and success, which increases their mental burden. Additionally, women may face more challenges in the workplace, such as gender discrimination or pay inequality, which further increases their stress levels.

Psychological Reasonsforf Stress in Women

According to Dr. Samant Darshi, psychologically women are more likely to suppress stress and anxiety, which gradually leads them to conditions like depression. Due to the tendency to prioritize the needs of others over their own needs, women have less time to take care of themselves, which further increases their stress.

Other causes of stress in women – Causes of Stress in Women in Hindi

There are higher expectations from women

If we talk about Indian society, here women are expected to have more than men. Such is the social fabric that working women have to face a lot of difficulties in maintaining their work-life balance. If the husband cooks food for the family for a day when his wife is unwell, he is considered a very caring husband, but women do the same work every day. In return, they are not given any special treatment. Women take care of themselves as well as children and the entire family, which increases the stress in their lives.

staying home most of the time

Living in the same place and working in the same environment also deteriorates the mental condition of women. It is very difficult to guess the mental condition of women who are not working and do not go to office. Therefore, it is important that women who take care of the house should definitely go out for a walk once a month.

lack of sleep

Health experts believe that lack of sleep becomes the biggest cause of stress. Even then, due to physical reasons, women need more sleep than men. But often women leave the bed without getting enough sleep. Because she goes to bed after everyone sleeps at night, and in the morning she wakes up first to make arrangements for everyone. Along with this, if the woman is a housewife, then she gets a chance to sleep for a while during the day, but it is not possible for a working woman to do so.

Point to note...

It is clear from the above article that women are more likely to be stressed than men. In such a situation, it becomes the responsibility of men to help women deal with this stress. Let us know some tips by which you can help in reducing the stress level of women.

  1. If you see any woman in the house (mother, sister, wife, or daughter) under stress, always be gentle in your tone while explaining anything to her.
  2. If a woman feels bad about something you said, then instead of leaving it and moving on, try to end the matter by saying sorry.
  3. Women should also not have any expectations from a person who does not have a helpful attitude.
  4. You should take more care of women during their difficult times (menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause), because at this time they are facing many hormonal changes.
