Indian star spinner Ravichandran Ashwin has announced his retirement from international cricket. The Gabba match of the India vs Australia Test series was drawn due to rain. After this, a press conference was held and Ashwin announced his retirement in it. When Ashwin said goodbye to his 14-year international cricket career, his fans became emotional. Let us tell you what his fans said on Ashwin's retirement.
Not good for Washington Sundar?
Talking to Local 18, Himanshu said that Ashwin should have played for two-three more years because right now there is no other spinner of his level in the Indian team who can replace him. His closer is Washington Sundar but he has less international experience. Ashwin should have stayed with Washington Sundar for two more years. It would have been better if he had guided him.
Can Kuldeep replace
Ashwin? People are giving mixed opinions on his retirement. Some people think that no one can replace Ashwin, while some people think that Kuldeep Yadav can replace him. Talking about this, Kuldeep's fan Rahul said that Kuldeep has been a very good and mature player. He has also performed very well in international T20. Rahul says that Kuldeep Yadav can replace Ashwin in the future.
Is the decision of retirement right?
Sahil said that Ashwin's career has been quite wonderful. He has performed very well in Tests. He has opened his hands many times. Taking retirement in this way is his personal choice.