
Chittora Primary School: You must have heard about schools without teachers, but today we are going to tell you about a school where students have not come to study for years. You will be surprised to know that this school is located in Ghaziabad, a bustling district of Uttar Pradesh. The building of this school has been waiting for students for years. There is a school in the village of Ghaziabad, 30 km away from Indirapuram, where there has been no regular student for years.

Like any other government school, there is a teacher in charge, a teacher, and an assistant teacher. Every day, the three reach the school around 8 am, open the gate, mark their attendance and somehow wait for the day to end. The three have been demanding a transfer for a long time. 

Chittora Primary School 
A shortage of teachers is a serious problem in government schools, but the situation is different at this school. Surrounded by sugarcane fields on three sides, a narrow, muddy path leads to a single-story building, which a dilapidated board identifies as 'Chitra Primary School'. For years, no one has heard a bell ring or children studying or a teacher warning a noisy class to keep quiet.
