Tamil Nadu: The most common problem of today's young generation is hair fall. Especially in winter, both women and men face the problem of hair fall due to dandruff and itching. If you are thinking that there is no solution to this, then do not panic. You can solve this problem with natural things available at home. Come, know about these easy remedies…
Remove dandruff with curd and honey
.Let us tell you that you can eliminate this problem with curd and honey which are easily available at home. The probiotic present in curd helps in maintaining the microflora of your scalp. Mix curd and honey and apply it on the hair roots and head. Wash it after 20 minutes. Honey will remove the dryness of hair and will not change the color of hair.
Magic of Fenugreek and Lemon
Fenugreek, which is a treasure trove of nutrients, removes every hair problem. People suffering from dandruff should soak fenugreek overnight. The next morning grind it with neem leaves and lemon juice. Apply this paste on the scalp and wash it after half an hour. Doing this remedy once a week will remove the problem of itching and dandruff.
Lemon and tea tree oil mask
Lemon and tea tree oil masks are effective gin getting rid of dandruff. For this, mix coconut oil in lemon juice and apply it on the scalp. The acidity of lemon will balance the pH level of the scalp and the problem of dandruff will end.
Neem and Amla Hair Pack
The antimicrobial properties of neem and amla help fight dandruff. Prepare a hair pack by mixing neem and amla powder with water or aloe vera gel. Apply it on the hair and wash it after 30 minutes. This remedy will strengthen the hair and eliminate dandruff.
See the results in a week
Let us tell you that you can easily solve your hair problems by using these natural materials. Ls present in the house. Try any remedy according to your need and see the difference in a week. So, definitely try these remedies and make your hairneedslthy.