
How to strengthen bones: Most people believe that only calcium is needed to strengthen bones. Therefore, drinking milk is enough. If you also think so then you are wrong because if two elements are not already present in the body, then calcium will not be absorbed in the body. These two precious elements are - Vitamin D and Magnesium. If there is a powerful combination of Vitamin D and Magnesium, then your bones can become like steel, and along with this, your heart can also remain safe.

Why are Vitamin D and Magnesium important?
According to the news, no matter what food you consume that contains calcium, unless there is vitamin D in your body, calcium will not be absorbed. Vitamin D is necessary to extract calcium from food. And this vitamin D will also not be active unless there is magnesium. Magnesium activates vitamin D and vitamin D absorbs calcium into the blood. Then all these together do not allow the minerals to leak from the bones and this keeps the bones strong and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Why is vitamin D so important?
Vitamin D is an important element in strengthening bones and teeth. Vitamin D is also very important for immunity. Vitamin D prevents inflammation in cells. That is, if inflammation increases, it stops it. There are two main forms of vitamin D. D2 i.e. ergocalciferol and D3 i.e. cholecalciferol. Both of these keep the body active.

Why is magnesium important?
Magnesium keeps the nerves active and makes the muscles feel relaxed. It also regulates blood pressure and helps in DNA and protein synthesis. Magnesium not only regulates vitamin D but also controls the level of vitamin D. If vitamin D increases, magnesium does not allow it to increase. Magnesium ensures that calcium gets deposited in the bones and teeth.

Now how to get both of these things?
You get the most vitamin D from the sun's rays. Therefore, stay in the sunlight for at least half an hour every day. Apart from this, vitamin D can be found in mushrooms, egg yolks, and oily fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, etc. For magnesium, you should consume green leafy vegetables, spinach, nuts, almonds, cashews, seeds, legumes, whole grains, etc. in your diet daily.