
Two sisters allegedly committed suicide by jumping into a river here on Monday in the Mankapur area of ​​Gonda district in Uttar Pradesh. Their father has accused his son-in-law of molesting his younger daughters. Police officials said the girls' father alleged that his 19-year-old and 17-year-old daughters were being molested by the husband of his elder daughter.

According to the father, while leaving the house on Monday morning, his daughters had told him that they were leaving the house and would never meet him again. He said that he did not take his daughters' words seriously at that time and got busy with other work.

When he did not return home for some time and a search was initiated, the villagers informed him that he had gone towards the Bisuhi River, about 500 meters from his village.

Police station in-charge Santosh Kumar Mishra said that both the sisters jumped into the Bisuhi River. Later, with the help of villagers, their bodies were recovered from the river. Police said that both the sisters had tied each other with a dupatta.
