


According to Ayurvedacharya Pramod Anand Tiwari of Babe's Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital in Punjab, statistics show that India is one of the main producers of jaggery. Jaggery is also called "medicinal sugar". It has been used for sweetening in Ayurvedic medicine for about 3000 years. Jaggery is considered beneficial for the treatment of people suffering from throat and lung infections.





Ayurvedacharya Pramod Anand Tiwari says that eating jaggery in winter strengthens your immunity, which also protects you from seasonal diseases, infections, etc.





Jaggery is a storehouse of qualities and contains zinc, magnesium, iron and potassium. Regular consumption of jaggery removes blood deficiency in the body. It can prevent anemia.





Since jaggery has a warming effect, you can avoid cough and cold by consuming it in winters. Eating jaggery in these common cough-cold is very beneficial for health. You can add jaggery to your tea. This removes laziness and lethargy in winters.





In Ayurveda, it cures respiratory problems. It cleanses the blood. The special thing is that its consumption improves digestion. People who have weak digestive power and always have problems of constipation and indigestion should definitely eat jaggery.





Do you know that jaggery also prevents lung infections. It keeps the lungs healthy and safe. It has anti-allergic properties, which do not allow allergy-causing elements to grow in the lungs. These elements cause problems like difficulty in breathing and cough. When you eat jaggery regularly, you also get relief from respiratory problems.





Experts say that jaggery is full of detoxifying properties. It removes the toxic elements that harm the body. It is rich in iron, which increases the level of hemoglobin. It keeps the blood clean.
