
It is not only difficult but impossible to avoid diseases. Today everyone is in the grip of some kind of disease. Some people have serious diseases while others have mild diseases. But Today we are going to tell you about 10 such diseases, which cause the death of most people. The World Health Organization WHO has mentioned these diseases in a list released recently. This list has shocked people as soon as it came out. According to this report, about 68 million people died worldwide in the year 2021. Out of which about 57% of deaths have occurred due to only 10 diseases. Let us know which are those diseases...

The biggest cause of death

According to WHO, 'Ischemic Heart Disease' is at number one among these 10 diseases. It is responsible for approximately 13% of the total deaths worldwide. The risk of this disease has increased rapidly after the year 2000. If the data is to be believed, there has been an increase of approximately 27 lakh deaths.

This disease is more deadly than corona

In the year 2021, about 91 lakh people have lost their lives due to 'ischemic heart disease'. Whereas, 8 lakh deaths occurred worldwide due to corona alone. To put it in simple language, heart-related diseases are killing more people in the world than the coronavirus epidemic.

Most deadly 10 diseases

  1. Ischemic Heart Disease
  2. COVID-19
  3. Stroke
  4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  5. Respiratory tract infection
  6. Lung Cancer
  7. Alzheimer's
  8. Diabetes
  9. Kidney Disease
  10. TB