30 Viruses Are Ready To Become An Epidemic : Even today people's heart trembles thinking about the devastation caused by the coronavirus epidemic across the world. Due to this, crores of people lost their lives. People all over the world were confined to their homes. Somehow we won the battle against COVID-19, but now new viruses are ready to become an epidemic. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a list of dangerous viruses, which can prove to be more dangerous than the coronavirus in the future. In such a situation, it is a matter of serious concern. WHO has also warned about this. Scientists say that there is currently no vaccine of any kind for most viruses. In this article, we are telling you in detail about what has been said in the WHO report.
WHO released a list of dangerous viruses and bacteria?
The World Health Organization has released a report on July 30. It also has an updated list of 30 potential microorganisms. The list contains information about such bacteria and viruses that have the potential to take the form of a dangerous epidemic in the future. You may be surprised to know that these viruses also include viruses and bacteria of dengue, collar, cholera, etc., which are being seen a lot in South Asia. Scientists analyzed such pathogenic microorganisms that have the potential to create an emergency situation in the world and can take the form of an epidemic at any time.
There is no vaccine for the virus
Most of the viruses are such for which there is no vaccine available at present. Scientists have also expressed a lot of concern about this. Based on evidence, scientists have identified such pathogens that spread very fast and can quickly infect people. Pathogens are such microbes that spread disease. They spread very fast among people. Scientists believe that if the virus takes the form of an epidemic, then it can be a very dangerous situation, because there is a vaccine against very few viruses.
WHO said this big thing?
WHO says that they are researching all kinds of possible pathogens, which can take the form of an epidemic in the future. This can help in fighting and dealing with the virus when challenging times come. Also, the virus can also be prevented from spreading. The organization says that with its help, the health sector can be strengthened against the unknown threat of Pathogen X, which has the potential to spread an epidemic in the future. Also, it can help in making people aware.
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