
Health Problems Signs On Nails: When there is any kind of problem in our body or there is a lack of nutrition, then our body tries to tell us about it through many signs and symptoms. But most people ignore these signs thinking they are common, then when the problem increases, they rush to the doctor. But by then the situation has become very serious. Although the symptoms of a problem can be seen anywhere in the body, but you may be surprised to know that our nails also tell the condition of our health in many ways.

Our nails are no less than a mirror to reflect many problems of the body. There are many such conditions, due to which many types of changes are seen in our nails. If you want to stay healthy, then you should not ignore the changes seen in your nails sometimes. Health influencer, internist, and child nutritionist Ramita Kaur has explained in detail on social media about what kind of change in the nail indicates. In this article, you too can know about it...

Do nail changes indicate a problem?

Brittle Nails

This change in nails shows that iron is deficient in your body. Due to this, your body is not getting enough nutrition and blood circulation properly. In such a situation, you should include green leafy vegetables, beans, sesame, black raisins, plums, etc. in your diet.

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White Spots

If you see white spots on your nails, then there is a zinc deficiency in your body. In such a situation, you should eat gram, sunflower seeds, oats, cashews, lentils, etc.

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Peeling of skin around the nail

This type of problem occurs when there is a deficiency of biotin in the body. In such a problem, you should try to consume eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, sweet potatoes, etc. in abundance.

vertical ridges on nails

This may be a sign of a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body. Let us tell you that this vitamin is found in eggs, fish, milk, and milk products.

Horizontal lines on nails

If you are seeing lines on your nails, then understand that there is a lack of protein in your diet. In such a situation, you should increase the intake of milk, curd, eggs, dry fruits, seeds, whole grains, beans, peas, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.

yellow or black nails

This type of problem usually occurs due to fungal infection. In this case, you have to mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal amounts in a bowl. Soak your nails in this solution and pat dry. Do this 1-2 times a day.
