
Best winter yoga exercises: The cold is increasing and people are huddled up in quilts and blankets in winter. In such a situation, is there any way to get relief from cold in natural ways and feel like the body is on fire! Yes, right, you can do this with the help of yoga. There are many yogasanas that can warm up your body instantly. These yogasanas not only warm the body, but also make the muscles flexible and full of energy. Also, by doing yoga regularly, the mind and brain also remain fresh and calm, which increases the efficiency of the whole day. If you are also shivering in the cold, then at least include these yoga exercises in your daily life. It can keep every part of the body warm and you can also avoid the problem of injury.

Do these yogasanas   to keep the body warm in winter-

Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)- This asana helps in keeping the body warm and making the spine flexible. Stand in Pranamasana posture and raise the palms above the head. Bend the head, neck and upper back slightly backwards. Keep your eyes focused towards the sky. Hold for a while and then relax. Do this 5 to 6 times.

Padhastasan (Standing Forward Bend Pose)- This asana activates the body and improves blood circulation. From the position of Hasta Uttanasana, bend the body forward, try to bring the nose close to the knees, keep the hands on the ground beside the feet. In the beginning, the knees can be bent, but gradually practice straightening the knees.

Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)- This asana opens up the chest and shoulders and keeps the body warm. Kneel on the yoga mat and place the hands on the hips. Bend the back backwards and place the hands on the legs. Take a few breaths in this position and then slowly come back to the starting position.

Halasana (Plough Pose)- This asana calms the body and increases energy. Lie on the back and raise the legs to 90 degrees. Take the feet behind the head and let the toes touch the ground. Stay in this position and then slowly come back.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)- This asana keeps the body warm and strengthens the back. First of all, lie down on your stomach and place your palms under your shoulders. While breathing, lift your head, shoulders and chest. Keep your shoulders wide and your navel steady on the ground.

In winter, this yoga practice will keep the body warm and the mind calm throughout the day.
