Shakti Pumps Share Price: The stock of Shakti Pumps (India) Limited, a company manufacturing water pumps and motors, hit an upper circuit of 5 per cent on Tuesday. At the end of trading, the company's shares rose 5 per cent on the BSE to a new 52-week high of Rs 1011.30. Multibagger company Shakti Pumps has also recently gifted bonus shares to its shareholders in the ratio of 5:1.
Shakti Pumps stock has given multibagger returns to shareholders. If we look at the performance of Shakti Pumps shares, it has gained 4.64 per cent in the last one week. It has given a return of 28.50 per cent in the last one month. It has gained 47.63 per cent in the last 3 months. This year, it has gained 494.25 per cent. It has gained 515.63 per cent in the last one year. The stock has given a return of 929.84 per cent in the last 3 years.
The company has distributed 5 bonus shares
Shakti Pumps had announced bonus shares in the ratio of 5:1 in October this year, i.e., 5 new bonus shares were given to the shareholders of the company for every 1 share held by them. The record date for the bonus issue was November 25, 2024.
Market cap is Rs 12156 crores The
market cap of Shakti Pumps is Rs 12156 crores. The 52-week high level of the company's shares is Rs 1011.30. Whereas, the 52-week low level of the company's shares is Rs 161.82.
What is a bonus share?
Bonus issue is a process in which a company issues extra shares to its existing shareholders at no additional cost. Shares are usually given in proportion to the number of shares already held by a shareholder.