There is a different joy in living a village life close to nature. Whereas in cities, people are packed in boxes in the name of air-conditioned rooms, away from nature. Life is confined between home to car and car to office. Urban people may think that living in villages is very beautiful. But the TRI report on 'rural areas' is shocking. In fact, despite living close to nature, 45% of people are suffering from anxiety. This is the situation when 50% of the people there work in the fields and are physically active.
According to the study, the villagers feel that they lack opportunities, there are not enough employment opportunities and the education and health facilities in villages are not as good as in cities. Whereas the biggest thing is satisfaction. The latest report from the University of California also says that you should be happy in all circumstances. Be positive about whatever results you want in the future and find ways to move forward. Because if you are not happy, then whether you live in the city or in the village, diseases will definitely surround you. This is the reason why cases of heart problems, hypertension, diabetes, and depression are increasing day by day in the country. If you also want to get rid of anxiety and loneliness, then you need to take refuge in Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev. So let us know how you can be happy in all circumstances with the help of yoga therapy.
University of California report
11 years of study were done on 1800 people
You will always be happy by accepting the situation and
always be positive about the future
If the mind is happy, you will remain healthy
Body pain reduces,
mental stress decreases,
BP balances,
risk of heart attack reduces,
body's healing power increases
How to be happy?
Help others Do
10 seconds of stretching every hour
Keep smiling pictures of your loved ones in front of you
Eating sweets increases happiness
control aggression
Take a short walk,
do yoga,
, breathe deeply,
listen to music
, have a good sleep
Be careful of quick temper
Understand the pattern of anger
Do not lose your temper in anger
Learn self-control
Recognize the symptoms of anger
Try these tips and get rid of stress
Mix turmeric in milk and drink
Shilajit with milk is beneficial
Healthy mind with panchakarma
Detoxing the body,
cleaning in 5 ways,
internal cleansing of the body,
purifying with Ayurvedic medicine
Your brain will remain healthy, drink juice daily
Aloe Vera