New Delhi. In the year 1991, Sanjay Dutt, Salman Khan, and Madhuri Dixit starrer Saajan hit the theatres. This film was a huge success at the box office. When Madhuri received an award for this film, she went to receive the award in the costume of the hit song of the film.
When 'Saajan' hit the theatres in 1991, there was a huge crowd of viewers. Along with the film, its songs also created a lot of buzz. During that time, songs from this film were heard in every bus and canteen.
Madhuri Dixit surprised people with her character in this film. People have not forgotten the love triangle of the film even today. Her pairing with Sanjay Dutt in this film was also a huge hit. Madhuri also received many awards for her excellent acting.
Madhuri Dixit once went straight from the film set to receive an award. A video of this award function is also going viral on social media. Madhuri went to receive this award wearing the dress from the hit song of the film.
During the award show, Jitendra gives her the award on the stage. As soon as the Dhak Dhak girl arrives, Jitendra also keeps looking at her. Madhuri Dixit looks very beautiful in a pink and green colored jacket suit. This song in the film was also a big hit, in which she wore this suit.
'Saajan', released in 1991, remained at the box office for more than 75 weeks. The film also had a diamond jubilee celebration. It was one of the top 5 films of that era. Many changes were made before the release of this film. This was the reason why the film achieved immense success.
After this film, Madhuri Dixit gave many hit films in her career. Not only this, she also gave blockbuster films like Hum Aapke Hain Kaun and Khalnayak with Sanjay and Salman Khan.