New Delhi: Swara Bhaskar, who is known for films like 'Tanu Weds Manu' and 'Veere Di Wedding', was in the news for her outspoken statements against the government. She first joined the CAA protest, then surprised everyone by marrying Samajwadi leader Fahad Ahmed in 2023. She is now surrounded by controversies after meeting a Maulana who has been against women's education. Meanwhile, a video of the actress is going viral, in which she is talking about Prophet Mohammad while lashing out at opponents during her husband Fahad Ahmed's election rally. (Photo courtesy: Instagram@reallyswara/X@Aftabalm01)
When Swara Bhaskar, being a Hindu, married a Muslim leader Fahad Ahmed, a section of people criticized her decision. The actress has been responding to her opponents since then. She was holding an election rally for her husband, who is the NCP (SP) candidate from the assembly seat of Anushakti Nagar in Mumbai. Swara Bhaskar made a statement against her husband Fahad Ahmed's opponent in an election rally on Sunday, the video of which is going viral. (Photo courtesy: Instagram@reallyswara)
Swara Bhaskar, without taking any names, said, 'It is not necessary which caste you are born in to have respect for Hazrat Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Those who are repeatedly questioning my husband's religion and faith, today from this platform I want to ask those people that where was your faith when your friend Anil Rathod organized a meeting of Nitesh Rane here? Where he could have stood and 'abused' your Nabi (Prophet).' (Photo courtesy: Instagram@reallyswara/X@Aftabalm01)
Swara Bhaskar further said, 'Where was your faith when BJP leaders garlanded the rapists of Bilkis Bano?' Swara Bhaskar was campaigning for her husband, who is contesting against NCP candidate Sana Malik from Anushakti Nagar. She met controversial Maulana Sajjad Nomani along with her husband Fahad Ahmed on Saturday, November 16, due to which she is facing criticism from people. (Photo courtesy: Instagram@reallyswara)
Meeting the Maulana has proved costly for Swara Bhaskar. She is facing criticism. The Maulana has been in controversy ever since he said that sending daughters to school and college without supervision is 'haram' for parents. (Photo courtesy: Instagram@reallyswara)
Swara Bhaskar has not appeared in any film or show for a long time. After marrying Fahad Ahmed, her activity in films has reduced considerably. Today she is the mother of a daughter named Rabia, who was born on 23 September 2023. (Photo courtesy: Instagram@reallyswara)