New Delhi: Director of the film 'Pardes' Subhash Ghai has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. The director is 79 years old. A team of doctors is examining the director's health. There is no clear information about when he was admitted to the hospital. He is famous among the audience for films like 'Khalnayak', 'Taal', 'Pardes' and 'Jung'.
Dainik Bhaskar quoted sources close to Subhash Ghai as saying that after his health deteriorated, the director was admitted to Lilavati Hospital for a routine checkup. Earlier, reports had surfaced that the director was unwell. Subhash Ghai's spokesperson has issued a statement , in which he has given an update about the director's health, 'We would like to inform you that Subhash Ghai is absolutely fine. He has been admitted for a routine checkup and he is better than before. Thank you for your love and concern.' The filmmaker belongs to Nagpur, Maharashtra, where he was born on 24 January 1945. He dreamt of becoming an actor since childhood, but fate made him a director.
Subhash Ghai has directed 16 films.
Subhash Ghai has made 16 films as a director, out of which 13 films performed brilliantly at the box office. He was awarded the National Award for the film 'Iqbal'. He has made many new actors stars through his films, including celebrities like Jackie Shroff, Reena Roy, Meenakshi, and Mahima Chaudhary.
Subhash Ghai is running an acting school.
Subhash Ghai has made films of many genres. He is also called the second 'showman' of Bollywood. He has made memorable films like 'Kalicharan', 'Khalnayak', 'Ram Lakhan', 'Pardes', 'Kalicharan' and 'Taal'. He is currently running an acting school in Mumbai, which is counted among the 10 best acting schools in the world. Subhash Ghai's first directorial film 'Kalicharan' changed Shatrughan Sinha's career. Earlier, he was famous among the audience as a villain, but Subhash Ghai took a big risk by showing him as a hero in this film.