
Sprouted potato safe to eat: Potato is the most consumed vegetable in every household. Even if there is no green vegetable in the fridge, people quickly make potato curry, bharta, bhujia, paratha,, etc. Potato contains many types of nutrients, which provide many benefits to the body. Many times you must have noticed that some sprouts come out in potatoes. Some people peel it and remove it, some avoid eating such potatoes, while some do not care about it. In such a situation, it is important to know whether eating sprouted potatoes is healthy for health. Shoots or eyes start growing in potatoes. This happens when the potato is kept for many days. Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of eating sprouted potatoes?

Should we eat sprouted potatoes or not?
According to a report published in TOI, potatoes sprout when exposed to light, heat, and moisture. This process is a natural part of the potato's growth cycle. When potatoes are stored in conditions that can increase the sprouting process, such as kitchens, places with direct light, etc., the buds on the potatoes start growing slowly. However, this process of sprouting is not harmful. It just causes some changes in the nutrients in the potato. This may cause a slight decrease in vitamin C and carbohydrates, as it uses its stored nutrients to aid the growth of new sprouts. However, sometimes some toxic compounds may also be formed in sprouted potatoes.

Nutrients and side effects of sprouted potatoes
Although sprouted potatoes still provide you with many nutrients such as potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and B6. However, it contains high amounts of solanine (natural toxin) which can cause vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea,, and other health problems if you consume such potatoes in large quantities. Symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and confusion can also appear. You should cut and remove the sprouted and green part of the potato. It would be better if you do not eat sprouted potatoes for the sake of your health.

How to consume sprouted potatoes
- If there is any sprout or any part of the green color on the potato, then cut it off completely.
- Use it only after peeling it. This reduces the level of harmful Glycoalkaloids. This compound is more in the skin under the peel.
- If the potato is soft and has any foul smell, then it is better that you do not eat it. All these are indicating that the potato has gone bad.
- The better you cook the potato, the lesser can be the Glycoalkaloids content. Boiling, baking, temperatures or frying the potato at high temperatures can reduce the toxin level to a great extent.
