Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives today. Be it eating or sleeping, people always keep their phones with them. But do you know that your beloved mobile phone is not good for your health? Yes, if you do not keep your phone away before sleeping at night, then its bad effect can be seen on your health. Many people have the habit of sleeping with the phone under the pillow. Today we will tell you that this habit of yours can trap you in many types of health problems. Let us know the disadvantages of keeping the phone near while sleeping...
Why is mobile radiation dangerous?
The network which is used for the working of a mobile phone is a type of energy. When the phone is too close to our head, this energy directly affects our health. Which becomes harmful for us in many ways. Therefore, we should keep the mobile phone away before sleeping. Let us know the harm caused by it...
Sleep disturbance
People who use mobile phones till late at night have a lot of trouble sleeping. The main reason for this is the blue light emitted from the mobile phone, which affects our melatonin hormone, which is necessary for our sleep.
Headaches and dizziness
Mobile phone radiation can cause headaches and dizziness. When the mobile is very close to our head, this can increase further due to radiation.
Cancer risk
Radiation emitted from mobile phones can also put you at risk of a fatal disease like a brain tumor. Radiation from a mobile phone kept close to the head comes in direct contact with the head, which increases the risk of brain tumors significantly.