New Delhi. The sequel of Allu Arjun's blockbuster 'Pushpa: The Rise', 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' has made actors and makers from Bollywood to South sweat as soon as it was released. With a tremendous collection on the first day, the film made 10 such records, which even big veteran actors have not been able to make to date. A scene from the most explosive film of the year 2024 is being discussed a lot. People are not able to forget a 6-second scene and it is being called the USP of the film. That scene is none other than the 'Gangamma Jatara' scene, in which Allu Arjun is seen in a completely different form.
Allu Arjun surprised everyone with full makeup in blue, ghungroos on his feet, a sari, lots of jewelry and garlands, earrings in his ears, and a nose ring. This was called the whistler scene of the film. Do you know that the makers have spent a huge amount of 60 crores for this 6-second scene? After watching the film, there is a discussion everywhere about what 'Gangamma Jatara' has been done.
What is Gangamma Jatara?
The 'Jatara' scene of Pushpa 2 is related to a religious festival called 'Tirupati Gangamma Jatara' celebrated by the natives of Tirupati. It is an annual festival celebrated in the first fortnight of May every year. Gangamma is worshipped as the younger sister of Sri Venkateswara. There is an old story behind this festival related to the respect of women. During the Jatara, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam sends an auspicious gift 'Perisu' from Lord Venkateswara to Goddess Gangamma, which contains adornments like sari, turmeric, kumkum, and bangles.
Men visit the temple dressed as women to offer prayers
The natives of Tirupati celebrate a festival every year to thank Goddess Gangamma, as part of which devotees walk to the temple. The ritual of men wearing sarees is called Perantalu Vesham, which is traditionally performed by the Kaikala clan. On the last day of the four-day festival 'Gangamma Jatara', men visit the temple dressed as women to offer prayers.