
CGPSC Recruitment Exam 2024-25 Notification: Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has released recruitment for a total of 246 posts of DSP, SDM and Excise Sub Inspector. The Commission has issued a notification for State Service Examination 2024 (PCS). In the PCS 2024 recruitment of Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC), the maximum number of posts are of Excise Sub Inspector. There are vacancies for 90 posts of Excise SI. After this, recruitment is to be done on 21 posts of DSP. Appointments are to be made for 7 posts of Deputy Collector (SDM).

CGPSC PCS Vacancy 2024: When will the applications start
Online applications for the Chhattisgarh PCS 2024 (CGPSC) recruitment exam will start on 1 December 2024. Keep in mind that applications for these posts can be made till 30 December 2024. Therefore, candidates willing to apply for these posts should apply before this date. You can apply for these posts through Correction in the form can be done between 31 December to 2 January.

CGPSC PCS Exam Date 2025: When will the PCS exam be held?
The preliminary examination for CGPSC PCS recruitment will be held on 9 February 2025. These exams will be held in two shifts. The first shift exam will be from 10 am to 12 noon and the second shift exam will be from 3 pm to 5 pm. The main exam of Chhattisgarh PCS is expected between 26 to 29 June 2025.

CGPSC PCS Qualification and Age Limit: Who can apply?
Graduation pass candidates can apply for the posts of CGPSC PCS. The minimum age of the applicant should be 21 years and maximum 40 years. Apart from this, age relaxation will be given to those candidates who get a reservation in the state. Candidates getting reservation in Chhattisgarh can apply even at the age of 45 years, while for applying for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police i.e. DSP, the age of the candidate should be between 21 to 28 years. Apart from this, the criteria set for this post will also have to be fulfilled.