
Garlic and Onions at High Heat dangerous: There is hardly any house in our country where onion or garlic is not used in food. Both these things are the life of vegetables. On one hand, onion boosts the gravy in vegetables, while garlic is full of amazing medicinal properties. Consumption of garlic cures many diseases of winter. Many people chew garlic raw. For those who chew it raw, it becomes a very effective medicine, but in most of the houses, onion and garlic are cooked in a wrong way. Whenever we add onion or garlic to the vegetable, we first fry it on very high flame. The story gets worse from here. A recent study says that if food items like onion or garlic, which have a high amount of sulfur, are cooked on very high flame, then it can have to suffer a lot because it forms trans fatty acid.

What is said in the study:
This study has been conducted by researchers from Meijo University, Japan. According to the news, the study says that when foods with high sulfur content like onion and garlic are cooked on high flame, the sulfur content in it turns into trans isomerization unsaturated fatty acids. This happens especially when it is cooked in oil. If the temperature of the oil reaches 140 degrees centigrade, then these things start forming from the sulfur of onion and garlic. However, the research also says that if the temperature of the oil is normal, then it forms very little trans fat which does not cause any significant harm.

What is trans fat?
Now know what is trans fat and how it harms us. Trans fat is of no use to the body. It is formed by conversion from healthy fat i.e. unsaturated fatty acid. Trans fat floats in the liver and blood and when it becomes excessive, it increases cholesterol. If it becomes even more, it increases weight in the form of fat. Cholesterol starts blocking the blood vessels due to which there is extra pressure on the heart and sometimes a heart attack occurs suddenly. When it enters the blood, it creates a lot of problems for the heart because it can block the blood path, which can cause a heart attack. According to the World Health Organization, every year 2 lakh 70 thousand people die in the world due to trans fat alone. Not only this, if cholesterol increases in the body, then heart problems keep occurring throughout life. Due to excess trans fat, inflammation increases in the cells which causes many chronic diseases. This is why it is illegal to sell oil containing trans fat in many countries.

So what to do then
? Well, if you cook anything in oil on high flame, then that oil also turns into trans fat. In such a situation, if you are frying garlic or onion, then fry it on low flame. There will be no harm from this. Try to keep the temperature of the oil below 100 degrees.
