This type of cancer is one of the most common in the world, affecting millions of people every year, but if it is caught early enough, this deadly form of cancer can be treated with the right diet. Can you imagine that a simple glass of milk could be all the cure needed for it?
The research conducted by Keren Papier and University of Oxford claims that women who drink a glass of milk every day have lower risk of having colorectal cancer. The study tracked and analyzed the demographics of 542778 British women along with their dietary plan and relevant health data for a period of sixteen years. The core purpose of this research was to identify the foods and nutrients that may help in cancer prevention.
Throughout the course of the seventeen-year study, around 12251 women were diagnosed with colorectal cancer which assisted the researchers in mapping out the connections between a person’s eating habits and the chances of having cancer. One of the cancer-protecting factors suggested was adequate calcium consumption. The risk factor of women consuming calcium rich diets having a higher risk of colorectal cancer was observed to be lower. What was found to be more interesting was the effects calcium has on the body, it did not matter what source it was derived from.
Researchers found that there is significant evidence which suggests that consumption of milk on a regular basis can help protect the person against colerectal cancer. Furthermore, long term use of milk has been shown to reduce the chances of the person suffering from colerectal cancer. It was also disclosed that every other type of yogurt had similar positive health implications. Also, livestock product nutrients like, riboflavin, magnesium, phorphorus and potassium showed healthy benefit as well.
The study further established the fact that consumption of alcohol and red meat reduces health in general. The use of two average drinks on a daily basis was shown to come with a 15% higher risk of getting colorectal cancer. There is also evidence that suggests that the consumption of sufficient daily red meat has been associated with an increase in colorectal cancer risk by 8%.