
Let us discuss about Numerology which is one of the crucial components of astrology. It enables an individual to access a plethora of knowledge while taking a glance at their future. When it comes to numerology, there’s only one teacher, that is, your Mulank number that is derived from your birth date. The sequence of Mulank which consists of numbers only spans from 1 to 9. In such a scenario, today we are going to discuss the Mulank numbers that Goddess Lakshmi bestows her blessings on. Love of people with number 1 will have a good time in all aspects related to love.

For number 2 people their children may provide them with some good news. Number 3 individuals will receive some monetary benefits without any prior notice. Number 4 individuals will have the opportunity to go out today. Number 5 individuals are likely to make some economic gains.

Today is going to be really really tough for number 6 individuals. Number 7 individuals may suffer from skin troubles. Number 8 individuals should strive to be more proactive today. People with Mulank number 9 may get into a dispute with their spouse.

Number 1 (People who were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of every month)

Ganesha says, You have dominated enough, so be careful not to let it go to your head. Participation in group activities is highlighted today. Now you may feel inclined to close a deal concerning property of some kind. You may currently find your work somewhat boring. Have a chat with your partner about your feelings and you will improve the romantic aspect of your life. Your lucky number is seven and the color that will bring good luck to you is pink.

Number 2 (Those people who were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of every month)

Ganesha says, You are gifted in terms of planning and this is the time when such talents are noted. Kids come from school today bearing good news. At this point in time, there is a chance of a court case materialising. Such assistance will be appreciated by the organisation. You are in a heady and romantic mood, and have a satisfying sexual relationship. Your lucky number is nine and purple is the color that will help you succeed.

3210 (People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any given month)

Ganesha notes that today’s children have brought back positive responses from school. Children are inside of today’s sermon, and their parents’ charm and good health has peaked. There are predictions that customers will receive substantial sums, perhaps through business transactions involving properties. Expect romance to be full of excitement, passion, and emotions. Number 18 will be lucky for you today and Magenta color is your lucky color.

Number 6 (Persons that were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st in any month)  During this period, Ganesha mentions you would be highly mobile and once again, it appears that there will be another relocation. For some reason, you seem to have nervous pangs today. Avoid strenuous activities as health leaves a little to be desired. There is someone who appreciates your efforts very much, and it seems you impressed one of your contacts with your ideas. While planning your evening, look for things to do outside, or treat your partner to something you have been looking for. Number 6 is a lucky number this time and Brown is the color, which resonates well.

Number 5 (People born on 5, 14, 23 of any month) Ganesha says that today you will be spending your time with your relatives. You have an interest in poetry and in literary meetings today. You feel fantastic emotionally and you may even begin a new regime for your health. Profits and awards come from overseas. When it comes to your romantic life, this is not the best of times so you should keep a low profile in regard to your partner. Your lucky number is 4 and your lucky colour is Blue. Number 6 (People born on 6, 15 or 24 of any month) Ganesha says that authoritative persons will be sympathetic to you. It is one of those days where your mood is carefree and relaxed. It is recommended you visit a doctor as a possible eye infection may be developing. Consistent effort helps one to grow in the job and who does not love admiration from one’sin peer group. You may feel the need to spend time apart from your partner to try and resolve some inner issues. Your lucky number is 9 and your lucky colour is Saffron.

The great sage due to his profound vision was able to devise the three types of numbers so as to help people born on 7, 16, or 25 of every month yearning to engrave their destiny in the world. Most people who are born under this number would require some time alone so as to rejuvenate themselves. Furthermore, Ganesha predicts a lost source of income which might be due to neglectful behavior when dealing with relationships, always remember to stay touched with your partner. Your lucky number of the day is 6 and the color will be peach.

Ganesha predicts challenges that have a silver lining to them, and he hopes that the people under number 8 are ready to be blessed with those challenges. It is easy to feel overwhelmed especially when women in your family are not able to stay healthy. A positive although temporary health condition will last throughout the day and allow for moving around, and am opportunity for a meeting or presentation will come up. Ganesha predicts a major and positive shift in the intimacy between you and your partner. Your luck number is 15 and the color you should wear is black.

People born on the 9, 18 and 27 of any month are ruled by the number 9.

According to Ganesha, it is time for you to gradually move away from philosophy. You are likely to come in handy for your mother at some stage in the day. Your health feels excellent. There may be a difference of views with your boss over some important matters. It seems probable that you will be committed to a relationship at this time. Your auspicious number is 2 and the colour that favours you is White.