As an aspect of astrology, numerology, harbors equal importance: it makes use of planets, constellations and birth dates to make predictions about a particular individual. Leaving astro predictions aside, January 17 marks the start of a new day, which for astro-enthusiasts wanting to seek insights about their potential career, education, or health looks and feels like an important area, particularly, Number 1 people, who are expected to feel happy and thrilled today, will do so. “Daruwalla” says an astrologer.
People whose number is 2 should be careful with their finances today because you may spend more than usual. Today expenses may also grow for those whose number is 3. Those whose number is 4, however, may get help from some foreign organizations. Those whose number is 5 can take this opportunity to purchase real estate.
Given the circumstances today, number 6 people are expected to have some financial trouble. Number 7 people should try to remain calm, as the idea engaging in a favourite hobby can upset your partner. Number 8 people who are also likely to experience anxiety will consider today difficult. Fortunately, number 9 people are in a good mood today.
Number 1: January - People who have their birthdays on the first, the tenth, the nineteenth or twenty-eighth of a month.
Ganesha states that friends and family offer you great joy. You are pleased with everything, and today will bring you numerous great achievements. You should not be concerned regarding your health, as this is just a minor issue. Good luck will favor you. You could be tempted into an affairs but will remain faithful. Your winning number is 18 and your winning color is Peach.
Number 2: February - People whose birth dates are 2, 11, 20, or 29 of any month.
Ganesha states that non activity will never give you success so if something is not developing your way do not hesitate to try again. Group work will be necessary today. Your rivals are active but you have opportunities to turn them back using diplomacy. Your spending is reasonably high for the income you are making. At times because of unanswered questions like what happened to my relation, you get upset. But it is not the time to be making big decisions. Your winning number is 7 and your winning color is Silver.
Here is what Ganesha has told you. If your birthdate falls on 3, 12, 21, or 30, then you possess a certain appeal that reflects the youthful spirit. There are a couple of children in your family or surrounding you who represents pure innocence and renders joy to you and robs you of all the grief. You exhibit signs of becoming somewhat irresponsible as you find it difficult to manage your expenses efficiently. There also lies an unhealthy temptation which could lead to unpleasant yet mild compulsive behaviours but your three sided object today will be blue. If your birthdate falls on 4, 13, 22, or 31, then Ganesha has something else lined up for you as well. Once again comes the luck of the color and number to your aid, Golden Brown 9
Here Ganesha and Lost Reality form a motivational duo to enlighten you on your need to invest time and money into securing your loved ones in order to carve a better life for them together with you, with them being the greatest assets to you, some may even argue. You’ve been meaning to purchase a car for some time now and if you feel today it might be a great opportunity then go for it. This sense of entitlement is disgraceful, Ganesha explains, not because one has accumulated wealth but rather due to a want to use foreign associated companies which might prove to be advantageous.
Number 5 (People born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month)
Ganesha says that you are likely to get recognition in unusual places. Right now you have a feeling of being in a stalemate without any apparent way out. This is an appropriate time to conclude a deal of acquiring a property. To improve the business strategy, one has to try out various combinations. Right now, you are about to catch fire in a new love affiliation. The number 3 is lucky for you while White is your lucky colour.
Number 6 (People born on 6th, 15th and or 24 th of any month)
Ganesha is of the opinion that this is the time you will have a chance to develop your intuitive faculties. You are already hungry with the idea of eating out today. This time is good for getting a new house or car. Higher domestic expenditure does not perturb you since there are chances of higher income as well. It is essential that you work on your relationship. Your lucky number is 15 and your lucky colour is Red.
Number 7 (People with the date of birth: 7, 16, and 25 of every month).
Ganesha tells you that it is time and set of skills that you repaired the roof and those leaking faucets as there are going to be no more. Overall, there’s a longing to have the luxuries of life, now and throughout the whole day. There are people who do not like you, and are trying to get a chance to pull you down. Stay vigilant. An activity that you cherish, is a source of annoyance to your spouse. You have to find a middle ground. The number which is said to be lucky for you is 5, and Green is said to be your color.
Number 8 (People with the date of birth: 8, 17 and 26 of every month).
Ganesha argues that you will be a part of some important community based program. Today, it appears you are having bouts of anxiety. Take care in closing your doors; it is best to be safe than sorry. The earnings that you are going to get today will not be easy. A special someone may come into your life during a social get-together. The number 8 is said to be your number, while Saffron is your color.
Numerology number 9 (dates 9, 18 and 27)
Ganesha claims that a critical undertaking may face more attempts than Anything else. Going shopping today provides a boost as splurge some money for the house. It is your luck and not your will power and tenacity that enable you to get through the day. You can forget what it takes to have a business rival when it comes to overshadowing them. Against your partner, you feel like getting itchy and do not have reason to maintain peace. Go through the issues, then make decisions. Your lucky number is 22 and your colour is Grey.