
Numerology 19 August 2024:  Today is the full moon date of Shravan Shukla Paksha and Monday. The full moon date will remain till 11:56 pm tonight. Purnima fast will be observed today. Shobhan Yoga will remain till 12:47 pm tonight. According to numerology, the future of life can be known from the unit number of the full coefficient of the date of birth. Which is called the radix. It is called numerology in English words. Let us know from Acharya Indu Prakash how will be today for all the radix people from 1 to 9 based on date of birth.

  • Number- 1 Today you will spend some time reading interesting and informative literature, this will bring surprising changes in your personality.
  • Number 2: Today you will meet someone who will help you solve the problems of life.
  • Number 3 Today is a good day to prove yourself right. Today you will achieve the desired success.
  • Number-4 Today you will share career-related ideas with your mother, and you will feel relaxed
  • Number 5: Today there is a need to be careful in financial matters because some unnecessary expenses may occur.
  • Number- 6 Today your mind may be engaged in religious rituals due to which you will spend some time in a temple.
  • Number 7: Today you may get some good news; this happiness may also be due to you getting a job.
  • Number 8: Today your work will be greatly appreciated, and you can party with friends.
  • Number-9 Today you may get new happiness, this happiness could be of a little guest.

In this way, you can know your birth number- 

For example, if your date of birth is 22, 4, or 13, then your Root Number will be 4. Method of finding Root Number: If your date of birth is 22, then multiplying it by 2+2 will give 4.