Eating raw foods side effects: Most people like to eat many vegetables, eggs or other things raw. They feel that eating raw things is more beneficial and it also contains plenty of nutrients. But, there are some foods, which can be harmful for health in many ways if eaten raw. Some foods contain toxic elements, harmful germs, bacteria etc. In such a situation, they can cause problems in your gastrointestinal tract and lead to serious diseases. Know here which foods should be avoided by eating raw repeatedly.
Egg- Many people eat raw eggs, especially body builders and those who work out. According to a news published in TOI, eggs contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning. This can happen in raw and undercooked eggs. It is better to eat it after cooking or boiling it properly, otherwise you may get diarrhea, stomach ache, cramps, vomiting, fever etc.
Mushrooms- Sometimes undercooking some mushrooms can also cause physical problems. However, button mushrooms are safe, which you can eat raw, but many wild mushrooms contain toxins, which can damage organs. Vomiting and nausea can occur. Eating cooked mushrooms neutralizes the toxic chemicals present in them.
Potato- Do you know that if potatoes are not cooked properly, it can also harm health? Solanine present in potatoes is a poisonous substance, which can cause vomiting, nausea, neurological problems. Especially the green part of potatoes and sprouts contain this poisonous element, so avoid eating such potatoes.
Beans or Rajma- Rajma is consumed by many people. It contains a protein called lectins, which if eaten raw can cause vomiting and severe stomach problems. When you cook beans properly, the lectins are neutralized and hence it is safe to eat.
Pumpkin- You must be eating pumpkin vegetable, but if you eat it raw or half-cooked, it will not digest quickly. It is better that you cook it properly and eat it, this will make its taste sweet and it will also be easy to digest.
Bottle gourd- Just like pumpkin, eating even a little bit of bottle gourd raw will cause harm. Eating even a little bit of its pulp raw or half-cooked can cause digestive problems, so eat it only after cooking it thoroughly.
Cabbage- You must have heard many times that cabbage has a very harmful worm, which also damages the brain. Some people consume it raw in salad. Do not make this mistake at all. When you eat it cooked, the gas producing properties reduce. Pesticides are also used to kill the worms on cabbage. It is better that you eat it after cooking it thoroughly.
Brinjal- Although nobody consumes raw brinjal, but raw brinjal has a slightly bitter taste and contains Solanine element, due to which symptoms of neurological and gastrointestinal problems like stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, headache etc. can be seen. It is better to eat brinjal curry, bharta etc. only after cooking it well.
Cauliflower- Just like cabbage, cauliflower also has harmful insects. One should avoid eating it half-cooked or raw. Some small children eat cauliflower raw. Stop them from doing this. Eat it only after cooking it properly, frying it or blanching it. Eating it raw does not digest it quickly.
Cashew- You will be surprised to know that cashews also contain some harmful elements, which can harm you if eaten raw. It contains some toxic substances which can be harmful for health. People who are allergic to eating cashews can get skin rashes and severe respiratory allergies from raw cashews.