New Delhi. 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai's Akshara i.e. Hina Khan is suffering from stage three cancer. She has shared her health updates with fans through social media several times. Each time she has requested fans to pray for her. Amidst this battle with cancer, she has shared two such pictures on social media, after seeing which fans are getting emotional. In June this year, the actress spoke openly about this. She also mentioned side effects like mucositis and neuropathic pain.
Hina Khan is very active on social media. She keeps motivating people through her posts. Recently, she shared two such pictures, seeing which fans are once again calling her brave and a lioness.
The actress has
shared two pictures on her social media. In these pictures, she is seen standing in the corridor of the hospital. In one of her hands, a blood bag (it is being guessed by looking at the photo) is visible. On the other hand, a urine bag is visible. With this picture, she wrote the caption - 'My steps moving towards the light and passing through this corridor to get well... one step at a time.' With this, people are praying for her and giving her courage.
Hina Khan's post.
People are commenting on social media.
Not only her friends but also fans are commenting on this post of the actress and calling her a 'strong girl'. One has said- 'My heart is very sad. Don't worry. I am sure you will definitely bounce back. My strong girl.' Another wrote- You are Sher Khan, how can anyone forget this? Another wrote- Allah will definitely accept my prayers, and you will defeat cancer. Another wrote- 'I just want to tell you that good things eventually happen to good people. This is what my mother says. And I always know that you will come out of this very soon. You are our lioness forever. I am sending you my prayers.