New Delhi: Actress Kiara Advani is all set to rock the upcoming film 'Game Changer' opposite Ram Charan. Meanwhile, rumours surfaced that she is hospitalised in Mumbai, which turned out to be false. Actually, the actress was supposed to attend a promotional event of the film today, but she was not present there. According to reports, Kiara was admitted to the hospital this morning, which has been denied by her spokesperson.
Kiara Advani's spokesperson, while explaining the reason for ill health, said, 'Kiara Advani has not been admitted to the hospital, she has been advised to rest due to excessive exertion as she has been working non-stop.' Ram Charan and Kiara Advani's film 'Game Changer' is all set to release in theaters this month. The film directed by Shankar remains a topic of discussion among the fans. Some changes had to be made in the film due to censorship. According to media reports, the censor board had requested to trim some songs as well as make two major changes.
'Game Changer' to release on January 10
According to a report by 123 Telugu, 'Game Changer' has been given a U/A certification by the CBFC. However, some objections have caught the attention of fans. While one objection is regarding the title of the film as the board has asked the makers to show the title in English as well as Telugu, there has been a demand to remove 'Padma Shri' in front of Brahmanandam's name. 'Game Changer' is set to release on January 10, 2025.
Kiara Advani will debut in South cinema with 'Game Changer'
The film shows Ram Charan as an IPS officer who fights a corrupt system. Kiara Advani is playing the role of a gangster opposite him, who is debuting in South cinema with 'Game Changer'. The film also stars SJ Surya, Srikanth, Prakash Raj and Sunil among others in important roles. The trailer of the film was launched recently, which showed Ram Charan in a double role of father and son.