
Ever since Aam Aadmi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has gone to jail, his wife Sunita Kejriwal has become active. She has done many rallies and election programs. Earlier it was believed that after Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia held the number two position in AAP, but after Sunita became active, there were many speculations about the number two position, but now such a list has come out from AAP, from which it can be said that Sunita Kejriwal currently holds the number two position in AAP.

List of star campaigners of AAP

In fact, on Sunday, Aam Aadmi Party released a list of 40-star campaigners for the Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections. Arvind Kejriwal is number one, who is currently in jail for the Delhi liquor policy scam, his wife Sunita Kejriwal is number two, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann is number three Sisodia is number four and Sanjay Singh is number five.

your list

List of your campaigners

AAP is in the electoral fray without any alliance

Let us tell you that AAP, which contested the Lok Sabha elections under the All India Alliance, is going to contest the upcoming assembly elections alone. This is also being seen as a split in the opposition. In Jammu and Kashmir too, AAP is contesting the elections alone with a limited base and cadre.

National Conference with Congress

Congress and the National Conference Party have decided to contest the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir together. Elections will be held in three phases in Jammu and Kashmir. The first phase of the election will be held on September 18. The second phase will be held on September 25. The third phase of voting will be held on October 1 and the counting of votes will be done on October 4.
