Sonbhadra: During pregnancy and for a few months after that, women have to be very careful about their food and drink, and even their movements. Sometimes, even a slight mistake can worsen the situation. However, as each month passes, the risk reduces a little. As soon as the ninth month of pregnancy begins, the family members and other close people start waiting impatiently for the child to be born. This is the last month of pregnancy. In such a situation, pregnant women should take full care of their nutrition in this last month as well, just like the last 8 months. One should not make the mistake of taking the last month lightly.
In fact, when the child is born without any difficulty, the joy of becoming a mother becomes even better. Therefore, you have to take care of your diet and health even in the last or ninth month of pregnancy. Keep in mind that there should not be any deficiency of any essential vitamin in your body at this time, otherwise it will also affect the health of the child. In such a situation, keep taking plenty of nutrients with the advice of the doctor in the last month of pregnancy or say from 33 to 36 weeks.
Folic Acid:
Your baby's brain develops very fast during the 33rd to 36th week of pregnancy, so during this time you should include as many things rich in folic acid as possible in your diet. It plays a very important role in the development of your baby's brain and spinal cord. To fulfill the requirement of folic acid, you can include green leafy vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.
Consumption of iron helps in keeping the pregnant woman as well as her baby healthy. To fulfill the iron requirement, you can include dates, apples, spinach, chicken and all other things in your diet which contain iron. To absorb iron, you can consume lemon, tomato and orange. In case of allergy to anything, you should immediately consult your doctor before consuming it.
It is necessary to consume calcium-rich food in the ninth month of pregnancy. It is very helpful in strengthening your body as well as your baby's body. To fulfill the calcium requirement in the body, you should consume dairy products. Many people are allergic to dairy products like milk, curd, cheese and ghee, etc., so such people should consult a doctor and adopt other methods to fulfill the deficiency of milk.
You should include fiber-rich foods in your diet because it keeps away the problem of gas and constipation. Fiber is found in abundance in green vegetables, fruits, oats, lentils and whole grains, so you should consume them.
Pay utmost attention to haemoglobin.
In this regard, Dr Abhay said that during pregnancy, women have the responsibility of maintaining their haemoglobin. It is most important to have proper haemoglobin. Consumption of green vegetables keeps haemoglobin correct. Apart from this, women should walk in sufficient quantity during pregnancy. This keeps the health of the mother and the child fit and along with this, walking increases the chances of normal delivery. Pregnant women should not lift heavy things. If you have to lift, do not lift anything heavier than 3 litres. Keep consuming salad, carrot halwa, coconut water and juice etc. according to the season in your diet. All this is very important and beneficial for the body. Before consuming any of these things, definitely take advice from your doctor.