Kakori Kand Speech , Essay in Hindi (Speech on Kakori Kand): On completion of 77 years of independence, the country is going to celebrate its 78th Independence Day this time. Every Indian celebrates this day with great joy (Kakori Kand Speech) . Who knows how many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives ( Kakori Kand Speech in Hindi ) to free the country from the clutches of the British? During the dark period of British rule, many such incidents took place regarding independence, which were forever recorded in the pages of history, one of them is (Kakori Kand Bhashan) Kakori Kand. In the year 1920, Mahatma Gandhi started the non-cooperation movement against the British.
Kakori Kand Speech: Full story of Kakori incident
When this movement was at its peak, the Chauri Chaura incident ( Kakori Kand Essay In Hindi ) took place. Mahatma Gandhi, hurt by this incident, withdrew from the non-cooperation movement. This movement had inspired the youth of India a lot. The youth started seeing the dream of independent India in this movement (Kakori Kand Nibandh) . Because this was the first time when the whole country stood shoulder to-shoulder for independence against the British. But when this movement was withdrawn, the youth became very disappointed. After this, some young revolutionaries formed the Hindustan Republican Association, in which it was decided that now the time had come to take up arms against the British. However, arranging money for this was the most important. In such a situation, the revolutionaries looted the passenger train from Saharanpur to Lucknow at Kakori railway station, in which the treasures of the British were kept. This was the most revolutionary step against the British till date. It is known as the Kakori incident.
On this special occasion, patriotic programs are organized in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions and social places. Also, speech and essay competitions are organized to mention the importance and history of this day. In such a situation, here we have brought for you the most powerful speech ever on the Kakori incident. You can start your speech in this way and make people your fans.
Kakori Kand Speech: Start your speech like this
If you are going to give a speech on the Kakori incident, then start your speech with a strong patriotic dialogue or poem. Also, do not forget to mention the Kakori incident. In the middle of the speech, also pay tribute to the revolutionaries who carried out the Kakori incident.
Kakori Kand Speech: The most powerful speech on the Kakori incident
Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Guests, Teachers, and my dear friends, today is a special day for all of us. This is the day when 99 years ago, freedom fighters carried out the Kakori incident to free India from the shackles of slavery. After the Kakori incident, the British rule was shaken for the first time. Remember, during your speech, do not forget to mention the revolutionaries involved in the Kakori incident, Chandrashekhar Azad, Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Murari Sharma, Banwari Lal, Rajendra Lahiri, Sachindranath Bakshi, Keshav Chakraborty, Auraiya to Manmathnath Gupta and Mukundi Lal. Without this, your speech will be considered incomplete.