New Delhi . Bollywood actor-filmmaker Arbaaz Khan married his girlfriend Shura Khan a year ago. Today, i.e. 24 December, is the couple's first wedding anniversary. On this special occasion, Arbaaz Khan and Shura Khan have showered love on each other by posting on social media. They have also given fans a glimpse of some unseen pictures, which have gone viral on the internet.
Arbaaz Khan has also shared a heartfelt note for his wife Shura Khan, in which he has thanked her for her love, support and care. He wrote that it feels like he has known her forever, even though they have been dating for a year and married for another year.
Arbaaz Khan showered love on his wife like this.
He wrote in the caption, 'Happy anniversary Shura. I cannot express in words how much joy, happiness and laughter you bring to our lives. Just one year of dating and then one year of marriage and it feels like I have known you forever.' Arbaaz further wrote, 'Thank you for your unconditional love, support and care. I am truly feeling blessed.'
Shura Khan shared romantic pictures
Apart from this, Shura Khan has also posted romantic pictures with husband Arbaaz Khan. Along with this, she has also congratulated on the first wedding anniversary. It is known that Arbaaz Khan married Shura Khan on 24 December 2023 in a private ceremony at Arpita Khan's house in Mumbai. In an interview to Indian Express, Arbaaz told that he met Shura for the first time on the sets of the film 'Patna Shukla', where Shura was working with Raveena Tandon.
The couple got married last year
Let us tell you that Arbaaz Khan married Malaika Arora before Shura Khan. However, their relationship did not last long. After living together for 19 years, both of them divorced each other with mutual consent in the year 2017. After this, in the year 2023, Arbaaz Khan married makeup artist Shura Khan.