
Every girl and woman has to bear the pain of periods every month. In such a situation, if there is bloating, gas, constipation, or loose motion, then the problem increases twofold. Often some women complain of upset stomachs during periods. Do these symptoms indicate any disease or is it a normal thing?

Bloating during periods is normal.
Dr. Huma Ali, a gynecologist at Sir Gangaram Hospital in Delhi, says that every girl or woman can experience bloating before or during periods. This happens because a hormone called progesterone is released during periods, due to which the intestines are unable to move properly. This is called bowel movement. This is normal during periods. Some women may also suffer from constipation due to this reason. However, upset stomach does not affect periods. 

Loose motions can be caused by a hormone. According to
Dr. Huma Ali, when periods start, another hormone is released which is called prostaglandin. This causes cramps i.e. stomach pain and cramps during periods. Due to this hormone, some women repeatedly feel as if motions are coming. Some also have loose motions. This is not normal. If a woman is having a lot of loose motions during this time, then it can be a symptom of endometriosis.   

 More problems in endometriosis According to
Healthline, women who suffer from endometriosis often have loose motions during periods. In endometriosis, a lining similar to the endometrium lining inside the uterus forms anywhere on the ovaries, bladder, intestine,s or fallopian tubes. When periods start, the endometrium lining reacts with the blood. If this lining-like patch is on the intestines, the n stomach may get upset. 

Identify the symptoms during periods.
Two hormones are produced in the body of women, estrogen and progesterone. The menstrual cycle runs on these hormones. This cycle is different for every woman. Generally, the menstrual cycle lasts for 28 to 35 days and an egg is formed after periods. The first phase of the menstrual cycle is called follicular. When the egg develops in the body, the fertility phase comes and when the egg is not fertile, the process of periods begins in the body. This is called the luteal phase. Every woman should know her menstrual cycle. When the date of the period comes near, feel the symptoms in yourself. According to the American Society of Reproduction Medicine, if a woman has endometriosis, then as long as the periods last, she has unbearable pain. There is excessive bleeding, periods can last for more than 7 days. There may be pain while having sex or there may be blood in the stool or urine. If this happens, you should get yourself examined by a doctor immediately. A woman can also face infertility due to endometriosis. This disease does not get cured until the woman reaches menopause.

Stress also causes stomach problems.
During this time, some women start living with stress and also start having anxiety. Excessive stress starts to spoil digestion. According to Medical Today News, 90% of the happy hormones serotonin are released from the intestines. But during periods, there are mood swings and stress increases, then the happy hormones stop being produced and this affects the digestive system. It is better to stay away from stress during this time. Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes every day, exercise, and take out time for your hobby. By doing this, there will be no stress and the stomach will also remain healthy during periods. 

Do not eat sweets or fried food.
If a girl eats junk food like cake, pastry, burger, pizza,, or sugary food items during periods, then her stomach can get upset. Apart from this, fried food, spicy food, tea coffee, and dairy products should also be avoided during this period. Eating these food items spoils the bowel movement because they take time to digest and the digestive system is already affected during periods. In such a situation, bloating, constipation,n, and diarrhea are common. 

Do not drink less water during periods
. Stomach upset during periods causes dehydration in the body. Therefore, one should drink as much water as possible during this time. Diarrhea causes dehydration in the body, which causes dehydration. Apart from this, include things like soup, lentil water, and juice in the diet.

Pay attention to gut health According to
Healthline, women who suffer from diarrhea during periods should include fiber in their diet a few days before the start of periods. Eating grains, and vegetables with peel and fruits does not cause loose motion. At the same time, include probiotic food in the diet like curd, pickle, and idli i.e. which contains yeast. Taking a probiotic diet increases good bacteria in the gut or intestines, which does not cause symptoms of diarrhea. One should eat in small portions during periods. Apart from this, salty things should be eaten more so that there is no deficiency of sodium in the body.