
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy: Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for us which helps in many functions of the body including bones and muscles. Vitamin D is so important that if it is not there, calcium will not be absorbed in the body. Therefore, due to vitamin D deficiency, bones will become weak, thin, and fragile. The importance of vitamin D is much more important for children because bones keep growing continuously in children. Vitamin D supports muscles. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of vitamin D, the muscles start weakening. Just think what will be the effect when a woman is pregnant and at that time there is a deficiency of vitamin D. At this time, the mother as well as the children will have to bear the brunt of it.

Risk of heart failure
According to the American journal NCBI, when there is a deficiency of vitamin D in pregnant women, it is called preeclampsia disease. It starts showing its effect after 20 weeks of pregnancy. First of all, in this disease, blood pressure increases in women. An increase in blood pressure affects the heart the most. On the other hand, if there is no vitamin D, then calcium will not be available in the body. In such a situation, the bones of the child growing in the womb will not grow properly, and due to this many types of bone-related disabilities can occur in the child. Secondly, due to lack of calcium, the child growing in the womb can also have high blood pressure and this can cause problems in the contraction of the heart, which can also result in heart failure. Therefore, even if such a child is born, then after birth, this child will be very weak and its bones will be crooked. In some cases, miscarriage can also occur due to a lack of vitamin D. In such a situation, women should take vitamin D supplements during pregnancy under all circumstances.

What to do to fulfill the need for Vitamin D?
The biggest source of Vitamin D is sunlight. If you stay in sunlight, it will automatically enter the body through the skin, but Vitamin D can also be found in some foods. Fishes that contain more oil also contain Vitamin D. Vitamin D can be obtained from fish like salmon, mackerel, sardine, tuna, etc. Vitamin D can also be found in mushrooms and egg yolk. Vitamin D can also be obtained from fortified food. Apart from this, Vitamin D can also be obtained from lentils, carrots, almonds, bananas, brown rice, edamame, sunflower seeds, broccoli, etc.
