
IAS Success Story: The story of Namami Bansal of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand is a true inspiration. No one in Namami's family had appeared for the UPSC exam before. Her father runs a utensils shop in Rishikesh and the family's situation was such that it was difficult to prepare for UPSC for a long time. Nevertheless, Namami was determined to become an IAS and started working towards realizing her dream.

Success in school and college days

Namami always excelled in her studies. After scoring 92 percent marks in class 10, she decided that she was not going to stop there. She proved that she was moving towards great achievements by scoring 95 percent marks in class 12. After this, Namami came to Delhi and studied Honours in Economics at Lady Shriram College. Till then she had no thoughts of taking the UPSC exam.

Leaving a job and preparing for UPSC

After graduation, Namami joined a job, but soon she realized that her destination was something else. After the 10th result, she remembered her determination and decided to leave the job and prepare for UPSC. Despite her father's utensils shop in Rishikesh and limited resources, Namami prepared notes on her own and prepared with full hard work.

Success despite failures

Namami's journey to UPSC was not easy. She failed in the first attempt, but she did not lose courage. She faced failure the second time too, but Namami kept trying. She failed the third time too, but her hard work and determination helped her get the 17th rank in 2016. Finally, her hard work and struggle bore fruit and Namami Bansal fulfilled her dream of becoming an IAS. Namami's story teaches that despite difficulties, if one works with self-confidence and hard work, any goal can be achieved.
