Hindi Exam: This news is a bit shocking for those who consider Hindi to be very easy. Also, it is a lesson for those youth of the new generation who take Hindi very lightly. A similar case has come to light in the prison department of Punjab, in whose departmental examination, the Hindi paper made the big officials sweat. They went on doing all the papers easily, but when the turn of Hindi came, they got worried. The situation was such that only 9 out of 24 officers could pass this paper. Let us explain the whole matter to you in detail…
15 out of 24 officers passed in Hindi
. A departmental examination of Punjab Jail Department officers was conducted. Many departmental officers appeared in this examination. When the examination was conducted, there were separate papers on Hindi and Financial Rules, in which the Jail Department officers had a tough time solving the Hindi paper. 15 out of 24 officers failed in the Hindi subject examination. Out of those who passed, five officers got only passing marks, while three officers got better marks.
How was the exam conducted?
The Hindi exam of the departmental officers of the jail department was conducted in written and oral form. Similarly, 26 out of 27 officers failed in the financial rules paper, and only one officer could pass. Punjab Jail Department had conducted the departmental exam in June this year. A total of five subjects including Hindi were tested in the exam. The exam included papers on the Punjabi Jail Manual, Jail Manual II, Criminal Law, Financial Rules, and Hindi.
How many passed and how many failed?
The result of this departmental examination of Punjab Jail Department was released by Additional Chief Secretary Anurag Rastogi in which it was told that 33 officers appeared in the examination of Punjabi Jail Manual subject, out of which 19 officers failed. 31 jail officers appeared for the examination of Jail Manual II subject, out of which 28 jail officers passed the examination. 18 officers appeared for the Criminal Law examination, out of which four officers failed.