Haryana Jail Department Result 2024 Declared: The Haryana Jail Department has released the result of the departmental examination. Candidates who have appeared for this examination can check their results by visiting the official website of the Haryana Jail Department haryanaprisons.gov.in. This examination was conducted in June 2023, in which officers from Deputy Superintendent to Assistant Superintendent level of Jail participated. A total of five subjects were included in the examination.
Most officers failed in Hindi and Financial Rules
Hindi and Financial Rules exams proved to be the toughest for the officers. In the Hindi subject exam, which included both written and oral parts, 15 out of 24 officers failed. Only three officers scored excellent marks, while five officers could only get passing marks. The performance in the Financial Rules exam was even worse. Out of 27 officers, only one officer could pass the exam, while 26 officers failed mixed performance of Punjabi Jail Manual and Jail Manual II.
A total of 33 officers appeared in the Punjabi Jail Manual exam, out of which 19 failed. Whereas, 31 officers appeared in Jail Manual II subject,, and out of these 28 officers were successful. A total of 18 officers appeared in the Criminal Law exam. Out of these, four officers had to face failure.
Question on the usefulness of departmental examinations
This result of the departmental examination shows the need to focus on the level of training and knowledge in the jail department. The result released by Additional Chief Secretary Anurag Rastogi has made it clear that officers need additional training on subjects like Hindi and financial rules.