
Female Genital Tuberculosis: As soon as people hear the name of TB, the cough disease comes to their mind. People think that it is a lung disease in which the lungs become hollow and the patient gets troubled by coughing. Most cases of TB are indeed related to the lungs but TB bacteria can enter any part of the body and spread the disease there. It even enters the bones and reproductive organs. TB in the reproductive organs can occur in both men and women and can increase the risk of infertility in both. TB bacteria enter the lungs through the nose or mouth, but sometimes they enter other parts of the body from the lungs. When the immunity is weak, it gets a chance to enter any part of the body.

TB in the reproductive organs of men can reduce sperm count rapidly, while TB in the reproductive organs of women increases the risk of infertility. That is, there is a problem in becoming a mother. Therefore, if TB occurs in the reproductive organs, do not ignore it, get it treated immediately, or else it will become a big problem.

The fallopian tube gets damaged.
HT's news quoted Dr. Suparna Bhattacharya, fertility consultant of Nova IVF Fertility Center Kolkata, as saying that when TB occurs in the reproductive organs of women, it becomes very difficult to get pregnant. If not treated, it can completely ruin the possibility of becoming a mother. She said that in women, TB usually occurs in the fallopian tube, uterus, and sometimes even in the ovaries. When women have TB, there is a high possibility that the fallopian tube may get damaged. In this situation, the fertilized egg is unable to reach the uterus. That is, the egg gets fertilized with the sperm but it is unable to come out from there. In 90 percent of women with TB, the fallopian tube gets damaged.

Dr. Suparna Bhattacharya says that if women get TB before the age of 40, it reduces the estrogen hormone. Due to this, premature ovarian failure disorder occurs. In this, the ovary starts getting deformed. In this condition, no egg is produced. Even if the egg is produced, its quality becomes very weak. The lining in the endometrium increases which leads to infertility. After continuous infection, synechia disease occurs in the wall of the uterus due to which periods never occur.

Symptoms of TB in the reproductive organs of women
1. Periods become irregular
in most women who have TB in their reproductive organs. 2. Some women experience pain in the pelvic area.
3. Periods may stop completely if genital TB becomes severe.
4. Vaginal discharge starts in some women.
5. If TB becomes severe, there is pain in the stomach even during movement.
6. Some women may also have a fever.
7. In some cases, there may be pain even during intercourse.

What is the treatment?
In HT's news, senior pulmonologist Dr. DS Saujania said that TB in women starts from the fallopian tube and affects many reproductive organs. Therefore, it should be treated initially. If irregularity in periods or abdominal pain is not easily detected, then it could be TB. Start its treatment immediately after proper investigation. Genital TB is treated with antibiotics. Therefore, start treatment immediately with the advice of doctors. This TB can be cured in a few months.
