Not long ago, an athlete aged 18 years from Kerala brought out the shocking news that she was sexually abused repeatedly for five years by 58 men in Elavumthitta, due to the brutal nature of the sexual assault of the girl when she was still a child, the woman who started by abusing the child was one of her friends from childhood. Some of the close friends and family members of the girl have been taken into custody with the rest of the men by the police, while 44 men have been arrested in total.
Of the 58 men arrested, 44 are from the Dalit colony where the survivor was living plus the neighboring settlements. As a result of these claims, 29 other offenses were also registered at four different police stations with inclusion of a sexual violence against child elements in respect to Indian laws and an Indian civil law that seeks to prevent discrimination against the Dalit Community.
the one who allegedly started abusing the child when she was barely 13 was recently among the first few people to be arrested, Subin was the one who began the filming and recording of the rape.
According to reports, Subin was the childhood friend of the survivor and their residences were in close proximity. Allegedly, Subin raped her and took pictures and videos of her in order to blackmail her into having sex with a friend.
It was further alleged that Subin also brought in two other men who abused the young girl. This cycle went on to several other circles in the next few years as more men’s and boys’ contact details and pictures of the victim were leaked.
School peers were also arrested alongside her. The arrested group as per the police reports comprises of drivers, people who work for daily wages and mostly men living in the neighborhood including married ones. The investigation that was conducted also yielded the information of four minors among the people accused along with two other minors who were not at the time the crime was committed. A number of them reached out to her on Instagram and WhatsApp.
The survivor has also stated that she was abused by multiple men on a few occasions which then gave rise to FIRs for gang rape.
Police disclosed that at least one of the suspects is a Thiruvanthapuram resident but one hundred kilometers away from Elavumthitta, moreover, there are two others still out of the country even now. The Child Welfare Committee (CWC) and law enforcement officers are collaborating to make sure that the survivor gets the requisite care and protection. The Case came to surface in December when a Snehitha outreach investigator showed the survivor and an awareness campaign at her university, around her and intervened in and asked for help again. EST: Snehitha is a by the Kudumbashree, a women empowering network set up and funded by the state government, The News Minute said. It’s said the victim disclosed contact and spoke initially with a instructor and Sir, a woman at a daycare centre where she is studying. Later, the woman reported the matter to CWC’s Child Welfare Coordinator. The mother of the child was confused about the Surya, and later asked about it when the parental announcement was to be identified. It has reached her that her parents were still frightened of the Mukherjee because they were unaware of the meeting. The Child Welfare Committee (CWC) was first alerted by one of the teachers. This is one of the reasons why advocates from CWC actively use school boards. She regularly works the understaffed and uninsured CWC unit.
Her parents never thought anything was wrong because they believed that their daughter had a lot of practices to attend to since she was preparing for a Sports Competition.
It came to light that the accused were sending the messages of the survivor to his father’s phone, where she was active. Rajeev stated that Aditi’s father indeed owned a smartphone but had little knowledge of its features, but she used to be on phone most of the time, when he was drunk and not aware of what she was doing.