
Lucknow: Distances have started to appear between SP chief Akhilesh Yadav and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who fought the Lok Sabha elections in UP on the slogan of 'bhai-bhai'. There is a rift between the Samajwadi Party and the Congress over the by-elections to be held on 10 assembly seats in the state. Recently, the SP had announced in-charges for the 6 seats where by-elections are to be held. Now the Congress party has announced the names of observers for all the 10 assembly seats.

SP leader said – an answer would be given

There is resentment in the Samajwadi Party over this decision of the Congress. SP leader Ravidas Mehrotra has given such a message through his statements that this time the SP is in the mood to answer the Congress in its own way. He said that the Congress is not giving us the seats that we are asking for. Out of the 10 assembly seats on which by-elections are going to be held, 5 were previously held by SP MLAs. In such a situation, our party's candidates will be on these seats in any case.

Crack in the relationship between SP and Congress?

There is talk of a rift in the relationship between SP and Congress, who gave a big blow to BJP in UP by fighting the Lok Sabha elections together. This rift between the two parties is now becoming visible in the by-elections. There is a talk in political circles that after winning 6 seats in UP in the Lok Sabha elections, Congress is now engaged in strengthening itself further. Congress wants to make UP its stronghold again. This is the reason why it wants to contest on as many seats as possible in the upcoming by-elections. However, SP does not approve of this move of Congress.
