
5 Overcooked Food Can Cause Cancer: The number of cancer patients is increasing all over the world. This disease becomes the cause of death of a person even after many medicines. Many of us do not know that there is a risk of cancer from what we are cooking in the kitchen. Many researchers have said that some foods increase the risk of cancer if cooked over. Let us know in this news what are those 5 foods whose overcooking can make you vulnerable to cancer…

Many researches have shown that 80 to 90 percent of malignant tumors are caused by your external activities. The biggest lifestyle factor in this is your diet. Many foods contain substances called carcinogens, which cause cancer. See the list here…

Processed meat
Processed meat that is preserved. Overcooking or eating red meat such as hot dogs, sausages, corned beef, or ham can cause cancer. According to a 2018 study, cooking meat with nitrite releases N-nitroso substances which can become carcinogens, because smoking and salting methods are used to preserve such meat. To avoid this, consume only fresh meat and instead of overcooking, use pressure cooking, baking, roasting at low temperature, or cooking in a crock pot.

Overcooking potatoes can cause cancer. According to the Food and Drug Administration, cooking potatoes on high flame releases harmful acrylamide. Eat potatoes by boiling them or cooking them on low flame. But not more than necessary.

White bread
Foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar should be cooked less. Overcooking white bread can lead to the formation of acrylamide. Therefore, cook bread less and avoid eating burnt bread. Instead, you can eat whole-grain bread, brown rice, oats, or whole-grain pasta.

Reusing frying oil
can also cause cancer. Because doing so creates harmful compounds in the oil. If oil is left over, filter it and refrigerate it and only then use it again.

If you cook fish more than necessary, harmful chemicals start coming out of it. Especially if you are grilling it, do not cook it at a high temperature or fry it too much. If you have to eat fish, then eat it by steaming or cooking it.
