
Pakistan invited to PM Modi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has received an invitation from Pakistan. He has been invited to attend the summit of heads of government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to be held in Islamabad in October. This has been confirmed by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry. According to the news of Dawn newspaper, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zehra Baloch has said that invitations have been sent to heads of government to attend the summit, in which an invitation has also been sent to Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.

However, he did not say whether India has accepted this invitation or not. He said, some countries have already confirmed their participation in the SCO Heads of Government Summit. It will be told at the right time which country has confirmed. Let us tell you, that the meeting of the heads of government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is to be held on 15-16 October in Islamabad.

The round of meetings will run for two days

The SCO summit will be preceded by several rounds of ministerial talks and senior officials' meetings, focusing on financial, economic, socio-cultural, and humanitarian cooperation among SCO member states. The SCO is an influential economic and security grouping of India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. When asked about relations with India, the spokesperson said, "There is no direct bilateral trade between Pakistan and India."

India-Pakistan relations are tense

Pakistan and India have a long history of tense relations, mainly due to the Kashmir issue and cross-border terrorism from Pakistan. India has been saying that it wants normal neighborly relations with Pakistan. However, it has been insisting that for such a relationship, it is the responsibility of Pakistan to create an environment free from terror and hostility. Pakistan downgraded its ties with India after the Indian Parliament repealed Article 370 on August 5, 2019.
