
In today's time, due to an unhealthy lifestyle, the most common problem among women is about periods in which women's periods become irregular, and due to this they face a lot of difficulties in conceiving a child, hence it is also called a lifestyle disease. We know it as PCOD i.e. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Today, this problem is affecting most of the women at a very young age. In this, due to hormonal imbalance, periods become irregular, weight increases and later the woman has difficulty in conceiving a child. But if we talk about its symptoms, then many types of symptoms are seen in it which are very difficult to recognize, let's talk about those symptoms.

Dr. Tripti Raheja, a Gynecologist at CK Birla Hospital, says that one of the symptoms of PCOS is that it affects our sleep but very few people know about it. Actually, PCOS affects our sleeping pattern due to which women have the problem of insomnia, even if they fall asleep, their eyes open again and again. Apart from this, women suffering from it complain of sleep apnea due to which they snore loudly during sleep because their breathing is obstructed and all this happens due to hormonal imbalance. Due to which weight also increases a lot. If attention is not paid to this, then the problem of insomnia increases a lot due to which the woman always feels tired.

These symptoms are seen in PCOS.

Apart from this, it includes symptoms like a change in the voice of the woman, a reduction in breast size, an increase in muscle mass, and hair growth on the chest and face. Also, mood swings are also a major symptom of PCOS, it also affects our mental health, due to which a woman may feel irritability, mood swings, depression, despondency, etc.

Very few women would know that fatigue can also be felt due to PCOS. Women suffering from PCOS can often feel tired all the time due to lack of sleep.

Thinning hair is a symptom of PCOS.

Thinning of hair and hair loss can also be a symptom of PCOS, many times women do not realize that their hair is weak, thin, and falling due to PCOS. In PCOS, the level of male hormone androgen increases in women, which causes the hair follicles to shrink, which causes hair loss in women. Apart from this, women suffering from PCOS may also have dark spots on their skin, which can usually occur around the neck, underarms, or thighs.

Women have very little knowledge about these symptoms of PCOS. It is only associated with irregular periods, but if you notice these problems then definitely consult a gynecologist.
