How to do Plank Exercise For Belly Fat: Removing the fat accumulated on the belly is not an easy task. People all over the world are struggling with this problem. Women struggle more with the problem of enlarged bellies than men. Because of this, not only does the personality get spoiled, but the favorite clothes also do not look good on oneself. If the fat remains accumulated in the stomach for a long time, then it can also be dangerous for health. Due to this, diseases like heart attack, and diabetes can occur which can also become fatal. In such a situation, is there any such exercise with the help of which belly fat can be melted in minutes? Yes, if you do plank for just one minute every day for a month, then the fat of the waist and stomach can disappear.
Do plank like this-
If you do plank for one minute every day, then belly fat can be reduced rapidly. To do plank, spread a mat on the floor and lie down on it on your stomach. Now make a pushup position. Take the entire weight of the body on the arms and instead of raising your hips too high, keep them equal. This way your whole body will remain equal. In the beginning, you may be able to do it for only a few seconds, but try to do it for one minute.
If there is fat accumulation in the waist, stomach, hips, shoulders, hands, thighs, etc. then by practicing this exercise, fat starts burning rapidly and muscles also start getting toned. By practicing this, body balancing improves, posture improves and core muscles become stronger. By practicing this regularly, metabolism improves and shoulders feel straight.