
Pregnant Women's Health: Many things have to be taken care of during pregnancy. Research has revealed that if the mother takes a low-sugar diet during pregnancy, then the risk of diseases in the first 2 years of life of the child can be reduced to a great extent. A study conducted by researchers from the US and Canada has found new and fascinating evidence about the health effects of sugar consumption in childhood.

Children who were not given sugar during the first 1,000 days after conception had a 35 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A study published in the journal Science showed that it can reduce the risk of high blood pressure in adults by 20 percent. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common non-communicable diseases, which are causing a huge health burden worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends no added sugar for children under two years of age and no more than 12 teaspoons (50 grams) of added sugar per day for adults.

This measure will control sugar.
The risk can be reduced only by banning sugar during pregnancy. Researchers from Montreal-based McGill University and the University of California, Berkeley said that if this is followed, it can improve the quality of life as one grows older. High intake of added sugar in the early life of children is worrisome for their health in the long run. However, it is not easy to keep children away from sugar, because sugar is everywhere. It is found in every food item of small children.