
Lemon and Garlic Reduced Bad Cholesterol: We all know that garlic has amazing medicinal properties. This is the reason why our elders often used to eat raw garlic with jaggery. In winter, people of olden times used to consume garlic and jaggery regularly. Garlic is an expert in enhancing taste as well as health. Garlic has many special properties that make it a powerful medicine. An active compound called Allicin is found in garlic, which is rich in its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It helps in destroying bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Garlic and lemon juice boost metabolism which helps in reducing weight. Studies have also proved that regular consumption of garlic can also reduce the risk of some cancers. However, a recent research has found that if lemon juice is consumed with garlic, then it can also play the band of bad cholesterol.

Bad cholesterol suddenly decreases.
In the news of Indian Express, Dr. Aylin Kade, Head of Nutrition and Diabetes at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai, said that a study conducted in Iran has revealed that if lemon juice is consumed with garlic, then it starts reducing bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease decreases. She said that today most of the deaths are due to some heart-related disease. This research is very amazing to keep the heart safe. Dr. Aylin said that we already know that consuming garlic keeps blood pressure under control. On the other hand, due to the reduction in bad cholesterol, the sticky substance plaque will not stick in the blood vessels, due to which there will be protection from heart attack. In this study, when people consumed garlic with lemon juice, it had an amazing effect on them. According to the report, bad cholesterol decreased by 10 percent by consuming garlic with lemon juice.

Can put a break on obesity
Consuming garlic not only reduces bad cholesterol but also strengthens the immune system, which helps the body fight infection. It helps prevent common diseases like colds and coughs. Consumption of garlic increases metabolism and helps burn fat in the body, which can help in weight loss. Garlic is also beneficial for stomach health. It improves digestion and helps in relieving problems like constipation. Apart from this, it helps destroy harmful bacteria present in the stomach. Consumption of garlic can help in reducing sugar levels. There may be bad breath after eating garlic, but its consumption improves the intestines and digestive system, which is more beneficial.

It was also proved in the study.
Dr. Aylin Kade said that lemon contains vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant reduces free radicals from inside the cells. Due to the reduction of free radicals, there will be no oxidative stress in the cells and this will prevent chronic diseases like cancer, and heart disease. Lemon juice and garlic also contain vitamin B6 which widens the blood vessels due to which BP remains under control. Garlic contains selenium which protects against oxidative stress. A 2018 study found that consuming 2 grams of garlic powder reduced overall cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

How to consume garlic-lemon juice
Dr. Aylin said that one clove of garlic contains 6 grams of allicin. A person should consume 3 to 6 grams of garlic in a day. You can eat garlic and lemon by mixing them in dishes, chutney, etc. This is a very easy way to keep the heart healthy. However, it would be better if you consulted your doctor about this.
