
It is said that all diseases start from the stomach. If the stomach is clean, then the person remains healthy but due to the western toilet, the bowel movement is not proper and the person becomes a victim of constipation. The modern world may have made the life of a person comfortable but this type of toilet is the cause of trouble. It has come to light in many studies that the stomach is not cleaned by using the western toilet and due to this the number of patients suffering from constipation is increasing every year.

English toilets were considered luxurious.
In 1596, Sir John Harington of England invented the flush toilet for the first time but it had many flaws. In 1775, Alexander Cumming made a better flush lavatory but in 1778, Joseph Bramah improved it further and created the modern English toilet of today. Till the 19th century, these were considered luxurious and were beyond the reach of common people but gradually they became common from special and became infamous for causing constipation. 

The way of sitting is wrong It
is very difficult not to use the English toilet because nowadays it is made everywhere. Mostly people sit on this toilet at a 90 degree angle position i.e. the waist is straight and the back side of the body is bent. This is a very dangerous position because it closes the path of the intestines and puts pressure on the bowel movement. Some people sit on the English toilet with their waist bent, this is also wrong. Due to this also the stool remains stuck in the intestines and the stomach is not cleaned. 

Indian toilets are better.
Gut health expert Dr. Mani Kumar says that Indian toilets are better than western toilets. In Indian toilets, one sits in a squat position due to which the anus and rectum remain straight and due to this the stool easily comes out of the body. While using the western toilet, the hips and thighs are not straight due to which the stool remains in the stomach. Western toilets should be used only by those people who have knee pain. People who have undergone leg surgery can also use it but the rest of the people should use the Indian toilet only.

You can sit on an English toilet like this:
Place a stool next to the English toilet and rest your feet on it while doing the motion. The body position should be such that a 35-degree angle is formed between the hips and the upper body. This will completely remove the stool from the stomach. It may seem awkward to sit in this position initially and there may be pressure on the waist, but doing this will not cause constipation.

Drink water while squatting before going to the toilet
Before using the English toilet, drink water while squatting on an empty stomach in the morning. This water should be plain. It can be slightly lukewarm. This is also mentioned in Ayurveda. Go to the toilet after drinking water. By doing this, the intestines will be cleaned and the stool will completely come out of the body.

Increase in pelvic disease Research
by the National Library of Medicine revealed that pelvic disease has increased due to the use of English toilet. This happened more after 1900 because the use of English toilet increased among the common people. Along with constipation, piles also come under pelvic disease. If constipation persists for a long time, it can turn into piles. In this, the veins of the rectum and anus get swollen due to applying pressure on the stomach. Sometimes the water jet attached with the English toilet also becomes the cause of piles. The high pressure of water coming out of it swells or damages the veins. 

It is important to pay attention to food
. To avoid constipation, the diet should be right. Stay away from processed food and junk food. Drink less coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks. Drink more water, soup and juice. Include fiber in the diet. For this, take raw vegetables, fruits, beans and sprouted grains. Drink a lot of water, eat soaked raisins after dinner at night. This will soften the motion and it will easily come out of the intestines in the morning. Figs and apricots also clean the stomach.

Keep stress away and workout According to
Healthline, people who are stressed, their stomach is not able to clear. Actually, stress hormones are released in stress, which affects bowel movement. Stool is connected to the brain. In stress, the dirt in the stomach cannot come out of the body. To relieve stress, do breathing exercises and stay in a positive environment. Apart from this, also pay attention to workout. The more the body moves, the better the gut health will be and the bowel movement will remain. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), 150 minutes of physical activity a week improves digestion and bowel movement.   
