
If the women of the house remain healthy, then the whole family will remain happy. But as soon as women cross the age of 30-40, many problems start in their bodies. While taking care of the family and children, they often ignore their health. The result is that they unknowingly become physically and mentally weak and fall prey to many diseases.

Menopause and the risk of osteoporosis
After menopause, women are at an increased risk of osteoporosis. According to doctors, hormonal changes at this age cause this problem. However, this is not the only reason. Bone growth slows down with age, and instead of new bones being formed, the risk of weakened bones breaking increases.

The right lifestyle will provide relief.
Doctors believe that if women maintain an active lifestyle between the ages of 25 and 45, they can avoid osteoporosis in old age. For this, regular exercise and a balanced diet are necessary.

Pay special attention to nutrition
.A properr diet is very important for strengthening bones. Avoid junk food, excess tea-coffee, and irregular diet. Include calcium and vitaminD-richh things like milk, cheese, and soybean in your diet. This helps in strengthening bones.

Take care of mental peac.e
. Our mental peace also affects the health oour f bones. Stress and lack of sleep can weaken bones. Find mental peace by practicing yoga and meditation, which can improve bone development.

Breast cancer and hormonal changes
Women who are undergoing treatment for breast cancer after menopause have lower levels of estrogen, which further increases the risk of osteoporosis. Such women need hormone therapy.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Women can protect themselves from osteoporosis by adopting a healthy and clean lifestyle, spending time in the su,n and maintaining mental peace. Proper diet and timely advice from a doctor is also important.